Russian traveler
Capital of Slovakia, flag, history of the country

Capital of Slovakia, flag, history of the country

Reason one. Compare the real Bratislava with the one that was ...

School encyclopedia Bulgaria capital

School encyclopedia Bulgaria capital

Bulgaria is located in the southeast of Europe, on the Balkan...

North Macedonia Which country does Macedonia belong to?

North Macedonia Which country does Macedonia belong to?

Republic of Macedonia. The name of the country is derived from the ethnonym...

Interesting facts about spain

Interesting facts about spain

Brief information about the country Establishment date Official language...

Spain - information about the country, attractions, history

Spain - information about the country, attractions, history

Spain (Spanish España), officially - the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish and...

Political and economic situation of Austria

Political and economic situation of Austria

» Plan. 1. Business card 2. EGP of Austria 3. Historical reference. 4....

Economic and geographical characteristics of austria

Economic and geographical characteristics of austria

Austria is world famous for its ski resorts. Here...

Description of the country austria according to the plan

Description of the country austria according to the plan

Full official form of the name of the state: Republic Form ...

All about Greece.  General description of Greece.  Regions and resorts of Greece

All about Greece. General description of Greece. Regions and resorts of Greece

Greece, self-name - Hellas, official name - Greek ...

Map of tanzania in Russian

Map of tanzania in Russian

Founded on April 26 (unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar and...

A quarter of a century ago, a small German plane landed near the walls of the Kremlin Airplane on Red Square 1987

A quarter of a century ago, a small German plane landed near the walls of the Kremlin Airplane on Red Square 1987

On the morning of May 28, 1987, at Maalme Airport, near Helsinki,...

The three largest aircraft in the world The 10 largest aircraft in the world

The three largest aircraft in the world The 10 largest aircraft in the world

Ever since people learned how to design flying machines,...

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